2nd Trimester Update
My 2nd trimester is quickly coming to an end, as I write this I'm 26 weeks and 5 days! I find conflicting information on when exactly the third trimester starts, but it seems like the majority of sources say week 28.
I've heard people refer to this trimester as the honeymoon phase of pregnancy, and while it hasn't been a walk in the park, it's certainly been easier than the 1st trimester.
2nd Trimester comes with people knowing I'm pregnant. I could stop hiding how I felt and stop faking a smile through the symptoms. My morning sickness didn't go away until I was about 16-17 weeks. As soon as the people around me understood why I wasn't 100% myself, it was much easier to deal with. Once nausea and food aversions faded, things started to get much more enjoyable. But acid reflux (heartburn) has come in full force ever since. So fingers crossed he has a full head of hair lol.
Feeling Flutters & Kicks
My absolute favourite part of the 2nd trimester so far is feeling the baby move. When I was around 16 weeks pregnant I started feeling what I thought could be the babe moving. But it wasn't until 18-19 weeks I knew for sure. Trying to describe the early movements is hard, but comparable to gas moving in your lower abdomen, hence why I wasn't sure it was the baby.
Now that I'm further along, we see some of the larger kicks and movement and have even captured a few on camera. Twice, I've watched him shift positions in my belly, which is wild. One side deflates and caves in, while the other pushes out much further than I thought possible.
Both Matthews and my parents, my brothers, my grandma, my aunt, and a few friends have all been able to feel the kicks. I love watching everyone's reactions the first time they feel the babe move.
The most active time for feeling the movement is nighttime when I laying down and I'm hoping it's not a warning that he's going to be a night owl lol.
Second Trimester Sleep
The hardships that have come with the 2nd trimester are sleep focused. My sleep is extremely broken and there's always something, or someone waking me up. Whether is my bladder, heartburn, the baby kicking, leg cramps, stuffy nose, or just feeling uncomfortable, I'm up anywhere from 3-6 times per night. For someone who is used to getting 8-10 hours each night, it's been an adjustment. & every time someone tells me to make sure I get my sleep in now or drops the classic 'just wait till the baby is here!' I want to scream. Thanks but no thanks for the most annoying unsolicited advice. I knew to expect a lack of sleep when it comes to a newborn but wasn't expecting to face it so early in pregnancy.
Other than sleep, heartburn has been a major pain point. Everything and I truly mean everything is giving me heartburn, even water. I've graduated from the basic tums to a prescription, but I'm still suffering. Hopefully, next time I'm at the doctor they can give me something new to try and I can find some relief. If the old wives' tale about babies being born with hair when the mom suffers from heartburn is true Baby G should have a full head. It certainly was the case for my mom when she had me, so fingers crossed it's the same for me.
Check out the head of hair I had as a newborn!
Was your baby born with hair, did you have heartburn? Let me know below.